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Old Colony Historical Society  Taunton, MA

Originally constructed as Bristol Academy in 1852, the Old Colony Historical Society building was designed by renowned American architect Richard Upjohn. Purchased by the Old Colony Historical Society in 1926, the building has remained relatively untouched and retains a great deal of architectural integrity.

Our firm completed a master plan for the building that examined existing conditions of the building’s interior and exterior fabric, structure, and systems. Identification of character-defining features, assessment of building code and zoning requirements, and evaluation of the museum exhibits were also included. Working  with the staff and building committee, the architects established an architectural program of needs which served as a “road map” for conceptual design.  

The master plan served as a basis for a successful grant request from the Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund to preserve the building’s exterior and construct a sensitively-designed entry plaza and sloped walkway to provide a fully accessible front entrance. The new forecourt and walkway continue the granite and brownstone foundation walls and water table of the historic building. The project was recognized with a 2009 Accessible Design award from the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board and the Boston Society of Architects/AIA.

Spencer Preservation Group  © 2023

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